To order educational materials for adults 21+ with information about safe, legal and responsible marijuana use, click below. You will be directed to where you can create an account and order the materials shown here. These materials work best for retail marijuana dispensaries. Please note we cannot fulfill out-of-state orders. If you’re an approved cannabis consumption establishment download the assets below to help educate consumers. Email with questions.

Informational poster preview image.
Responsibility Grows Here MJ Info Card (English)

A palm card with information about the laws and health effects associated with safe, legal and responsible marijuana use in Colorado.

Marijuana in Colorado brochure.
Marijuana in Colorado Tourist Brochure (English)

A brochure with information about safe, legal and responsible marijuana use for Colorado tourists.

Responsibility Grows Here Stickers (English)
Responsibility Grows Here Stickers (English)

Stickers to promote the Responsibility Grows Here campaign. Available sticker options are a branded “Responsibility Grows Here” version and a “Know the Laws” version.

Must be 21+ Window Cling (English)
Must be 21+ Window Cling (English)

Window cling for marijuana retailers stating that you must be 21+ years old to enter and branded with Responsibility Grows Here logo.

Waiting Room TV Slides
Waiting Room TV Slides

50-second .mp4 slideshow with Responsibility Grows Here messaging for retail dispensary waiting areas. Messages remind users of their responsibility not to use marijuana in public, to store marijuana safely, not to share marijuana with anyone underage, not to drive high and not to take marijuana across state lines.

Marijuana Hospitality Establishment Social Media Posts
Marijuana Hospitality Establishment Social Media Posts

Social posts with messaging to educate consumers on best practices and laws around legal and responsible cannabis consumption. These include the required educational messaging for Marijuana Hospitality Establishments.

Marijuana Hospitality Establishment Video Slideshow
Marijuana Hospitality Establishment Video Slideshow

2-minute “slideshow” to be displayed on TV/monitor that educates consumers on best practices and laws surrounding cannabis consumption. These include the required educational messaging for Marijuana Hospitality Establishments.



Parents, teachers, coaches, and other trusted adults have the power to help Colorado youth understand the importance of not using marijuana underage. For materials to help start the conversation, click below. You will be directed to where you can create an account and order the educational materials shown here. Organizations within Colorado can order these materials for free. Please note we cannot fulfill out-of-state orders. Email with questions.



For materials that educate mothers on the health effects of using marijuana during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, please click below. You will be directed to where you can create an account and order the educational materials shown here. Organizations within Colorado can order these materials for free. Please note we cannot fulfill out-of-state orders. Email with questions.